Close more deals (working less) with our Automated Ai Marketing System

Grow your business. Get your time back.

Doing your own lead generation is a waste of time. You should be spending as much time as possible talking with actual sellers.

Stop chasing deals and start closing them

Don't waste any more hours emailing, cold calling and texting just to start a conversation. We send you highly profitable off market deals ready to be closed!

Convert more leads without the work

Take the hassle out of scheduling appointments with our automated Ai Marketing System – no more manual emailing, calling or texting required.

Edge out the competition

Capture high quality off market deals – so no opportunity ever slips through the cracks. The other guys won’t stand a chance.

Do everything in one place

Solid Offers provides all the tasks you need to succeed in acquiring deals, converting, and scaling your business! Keep everything under one roof. We take care of everything for you!

Search for deals, select and reach out, so you can just pick up the phone and close deals!

Ai Marketing

Strategic Marketing Outreach Using

Ai / Machine Learning

Data Targeting

Identifies and targets the ideal demographic

Qualification Process

Filter Out Unqualified Leads


Reaches out to sellers and ensures they want to sell

Loved by Top Real Estate Investors
Start closing more deals hands-free.

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